This CD-ROM is designed to be viewed with a standard Web and a computer monitor screen resolution set at 800x600 or 1024x768. For maximum performance, your configuration should include the following: Windows: 95, 98, NT, ME, or 2000; 16 MB RAM; Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher or Netscape Navigator version 6.0 or higher; standard media player (included with the operating system) Macintosh: OS 9; 16 MB RAM; Netscape Navigator version 4.6 or higher; Quicktime 4+ The entire Shuttle-Mir: The U.S. and Russia Share History's Highest Stage book is available on this CD-ROM and is accessible through the TOC link on every page. The red text and headings designate the book text. The purple text and purple arrows within the text designate the information that is available on the CD-ROM only. Navigation aids are available on the right side of your screen and/or on the bottom of every page that will allow you to access the book Table of Contents, a Search option, the Welcome page, the CD Supplements and other high level information at any time. On every main page and subsequent pages there will be suggested links within the text and/or at the bottom of the page. You may search the CD-ROM by choosing the link to the Search page. Some of the text in this site is presented in the Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF). You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search to view these documents. Please download the free Reader with Search, available on this CD on the SEARCH page (search.htm), and follow the installation instructions to install the Reader. You must open Acrobat Reader with Search outside of the browser window to perform the search function. For more information on searching PDF documents, refer to the Reader Help option within Acrobat Reader. All video files included on this CD-ROM are MPEG-1 format and should play back in a standard media player provided through your operating system. Macintosh users may need to download the Sparkle software or QuickTime 4 to view the MPEG files. If this CD-ROM does not start automatically, select Run from the Start menu and type the following: :\start.exe Where is the drive letter of your CD-ROM. For instance, if your CD-ROM drive is set up as drive 'e' you would type the following: e:\start.exe Press return or click OK and the CD Opening should begin. To bypass the CD Opening, select Run from the Start menu and type the following: :\index.html Where is the drive letter of your CD-ROM. Press return or click OK and the CD Welcome page should display in your default Web browser.